Since I have started this class I have been asking my
boyfriend his views on Feminism. Once the class got to talking I noticed there
are not only very different views among women but there are absolutely
differences of opinion when it comes to men and women. When I asked my
boyfriend did he know what feminism was, he gave me a puzzling look. He had no
clue where I was going with that question. I explained to him I was taking a
Women’s Studies class and our past class meetings have focused on our take on
feminism. After he had an understanding of the question I began asking him some
of the questions we had to answer one Wednesday. I quickly learned that he was
an example of what I may refer to as a “somewhat of a feminist”. During the
conversation I realized that some of the views we had were very different. I was
not at all disturbed by the disagreement. I found it interesting to find out
that he never really understood the term feminism. I, myself am not totally
certain on what the term truly means. Everyone seems to have their own standpoint
of the word. I think with any type of “ism”
there will always be controversy simply because no two people think alike or perceive
information the same. Take into account the famous “telephone game”. Where you
sit in a circle, one person says a statement, it is then passed from person to
person and finally the last person states what they heard. Most times when this
game is played the initial statement does not make it to the end. Therefore I feel
that information is always altered. Feminism to me is the movement of bringing
people together and joining forces that there is not a sense of superiority.
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