Monday, October 8, 2012

Homosexuality in the Church

Homosexuality in my religious community is just as bad as Satan. My hometown church is a very old traditional southern Baptist church. The church is made up of many elders along with an array of other ages. I can speak heavily on my beliefs on religion and homophobia because back at home some of my closet friends/church members are homosexual. When we younger it was if everyone older than us knew they were homosexual but there was always that little glimmer of hope that they would grow out of those ways. As time passed they didn't change. I still hold these friends very close to my heart. I can remember the first time my friend brought his significant other to church with him. It was if he had committed a crime. I felt so bad for him because he got constant looks throughout the service but he always said that he was confident in himself and the thoughts of others never bothered him.
After watching the movie in class last week, I took it upon myself to go read some of the bible verses that were mentioned in the film along with others that touched on the topic. I have never felt that homosexuality condemned you to hell; I have never really understood what makes people say that statement. Reading the different verses and reflecting back on what some of the people said in the film really got me to thinking. Everyone interrupts the bible different based on culture and other factors such as upbringing, previous teachings and etc. Knowing that many of my church members and religious community are against homosexuality has not altered my views on it at all. I accept all people as they are, I was taught not to judge. I also feel that how can we judge homosexual people on their life decisions when we make decisions that go against the bible daily. As the John 8:7 says “Let he who without sin cast the first stone…” 

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog entry. I grew up in a very open-minded church and family. I’ve never had any doubts that homosexuality was just as normal and “ok” as heterosexuality. Once I got into my small Mississippi high school, that’s when I found out that my view on homosexuality was not so common. I won’t lie, I was pretty angry about the judgement people passed about homosexuals. It seemed so wrong to me that people thought they could judge someone to the point of hatred and still consider themselves “good Christians.” It blew my mind that people who had pre-marital sex, regularly participated in vulgar speech and acts, basically people breaking “Christian codes,” but still thought that homosexuality was such a sin. Sinners judging sinners pretty much. It’s crazy. “Let he who has not sinned through the first stone.” John 8:7. It’s honestly one of my very favorite verses from the bible.
    -Lacey Carr
