Monday, December 10, 2012

Last but certainly not the end... .

Part 1: For this blog we were asked to view our fellow classmates blogs and comment.

Anthony Henderson (Lets Talk About Sex Baby!!!): Knowing you and reading this blog post only reassures me of what I already believed about you, that you are a man of integrity. That is a great quality to possess. I, myself may not have waited as long but I do know what you mean about peer pressure. I was not necessarily influenced by my peers but my boyfriend at the time was older and that played a major role in my sex life during high school. Glad you did not fold under pressure. I feel that when it comes to the YOUR ultimate prize it should always be someone special.

Lacey Carr (Second-Shifting): I agree and disagree with some of the points you made in your blog. I totally agree that second shifting oppresses women. Also that it keeps us in our patriarchal society where gender roles are heavily defined. The only thing I disagree with is the part where men have gotten worse. I give them some credit. As a woman in today's society there are things I let slide simply because I do not if certain issues are worth the fight. I think that even through the years we are taught to live a certain way. It all comes down to the ultimate choice of do we continue what we have been taught? It is ever going cycle. Quoting your last statement "Women do more, men do less, and media promotes it...will it ever end?"

Part 2: 
This semester in Women's Studies has been a great learning experience. It has given me the opportunity to actually sit back and evaluate my own opinions on life in general. Before this class I never gave a second thought to the idea of me being a feminist or even having feminist views. Going through this class and learning so much about the views of others just helped me to realize there is a world outside my own beliefs. Since taking the class I know take situations and look at them in a different light. I remember one incident where after the discussion of getting a male baby a feminine toy, I was in Target where a woman was doing the exact thing we discussed. Not even realizing it I immediately asked her why she was buying it. Did she think anyone would judge her for purchase. 
Just that alone has given a different view of situations. Listening to the stories of my classmates and comments I realize even more than before the society we live in is so segregated due to class, gender, sexuality, religion and other aspects of culture. These things that separate should be the same reason we would want to come together. This class has also made me look into wanting a home delivery whenever the time comes for me to bare children. As for future reference I would encourage anyone to go outside of your normal routine and seek knowledge of the people and things around you. Knowing about your surroundings is the best way to adapt. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

erutluC poP...

Pop culture can be defined by TV shows, radio programs, magazines, books, and other different types of media. This type of culture is very influential. These different types of media send messages directly and indirectly to the outside world. In my case pop culture has played a huge role in the way I view certain situations. The most dominant influence pop culture has in my life is when it comes to the world of books. I like to read different styles of books.  Some of these influences have been negative and some positive depends on the story-line.   These types of influences can play a huge role when it comes to change. One example of influence from books is when I purchased the famous book “Think like a Man, Act like a Lady” by Steve Harvey. After reading this book I valued the things he spoke on and applied them to my everyday life. A lot of the advice and suggestions he made on relationships I started using it in my own.  I strongly agree when people make statements that pop culture defines gender.  Most times even when you are just watching TV commercials most of them are only reaching out to one gender. Some examples are like One a Day for women, Dr. Pepper 10 for men, and Swiffer Jet commercials that reach out to the super mom. Influences can be both positive and negative. Pop culture is big part of America it shows fashion, news, pop culture and so much more. It is what gives the world entertainment. I think without pop culture we have a boring world.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Oppression Overlooks No One.

Second-shifting is one of the biggest forms of oppression towards women in my opinion. I say this because oppression is defined as unjust treatment or being forced between two opinions. How is that women are expected to gain equality outside the home but reach no new limits in the home. It only puts women in a position to think or believe that their motives get them nowhere. Women are more accepted in the workplace because it is what they have worked so hard to gain. In the home gendered roles are always being reinforced. Like my home and most American homes men and women have specific roles they play such as women are told to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. Men are told to provide, take care of the home, and make a good place for family. As a young woman in today’s society I work harder than the elder women in my family to make a better way for my kids and their kids. I work harder to show that I am just as determined and strong willed as the next person. To show other women around me that the jobs defined for just men are also women worthy.  It’s not a need to prove myself but I think there are benefits to equality. Equality to me goes past gender; it also means equality in races, sexual orientations, different classes and other aspects of life.  I personally, do not think we could live in a perfect world but every step we take to improvement is one step closer to a better world. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


In recent class meetings we have been talking about women being oppressed by men or other means when it comes to reproduction. These talks have led to the main topic at hand abortion.  Last class meeting we talked on some statistics of abortion, who has abortions and why women have abortions. This is a very sensitive topic for anyone to speak on. Listening to the discussions in class and opinions of others I see that everyone has similar but very different opinions. As stated in the blog assignment, I do not think anyone likes to be titled as pro-abortion, I see myself being defined as pro-choice. I say this simply because I believe that there should not be limitations on what women should do to their bodies. There are certain things that may occur in a woman’s life that may cause her to seek medical assistance, which sometimes may be abortion. Women are faced with situations such as rape, complications with reproduction and health reasons that cause women to seek medical attention. There are social constructions that lead women to believe that abortion is not accepted. The society we are in today views on abortion vary from person to person. As I stated earlier there are reasons women seek abortions, reasons that society looks down upon and give terrible criticism. Other than that I really do not have much to speak on. I have not been presented with this issue to deeply express my opinions. This topic is one that cannot be fully expressed until presented with it. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sex Talk..

My sexual identity was not defined by the sex talk by my parents. The overall view of sex and expectation of it was much so altered by things my mother said. My mother was not all shy about talking on the topic of sex. There were many times where she sat me down and discussed the negative effects of sex. Sex in my home was never a positive topic. I always heard that if I engaged in sexual activities that there would be negative consequences. Good things could not come from having sex. Just like the clip we watched from “Roseanne” my mother acted as if talking about sex made her uncomfortable to the point where it was hard to speak. At the same time she would swear that talking to me about my body, sexual encounters and other sex related topics were easy for her to talk about with me. Everything was made negative. Some of the things that were told me were as such, “having sex will lead to pregnancy”, diseases, “sex is all guys want”, “you are supposed to wait until marriage to have sex” and many other things stuck with me throughout my life. Even though things stuck with me I still took it upon myself to learn about sex and all the things I saw important to know. Even though I may not know all there is to know about sex, it is a learning experience.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Supporting Classmates..

I found this blog quite interesting. Everything you said sounded just like my childhood. There are not as many grandchildren but for the 5 of us we all played together. There were certain instances where we couldn't play together simply because the guys were playing too rough. I feel that in today's world people are just using those gender roles to make people how they want them. I never really saw the big deal with kids playing with each other. But I agree with you, lighten up!
Savanna Smith

Your blog was very inspirational. I myself did not know if I wanted to come to college. My mother also sat me down and said some of the same things. I have to say that this blog was my favorite. My mother also has played a huge part in my life and will continue to play a part. I feel the same way you do, without her I do not know where I would be right now.
Kirsti Potts

Monday, October 8, 2012

Homosexuality in the Church

Homosexuality in my religious community is just as bad as Satan. My hometown church is a very old traditional southern Baptist church. The church is made up of many elders along with an array of other ages. I can speak heavily on my beliefs on religion and homophobia because back at home some of my closet friends/church members are homosexual. When we younger it was if everyone older than us knew they were homosexual but there was always that little glimmer of hope that they would grow out of those ways. As time passed they didn't change. I still hold these friends very close to my heart. I can remember the first time my friend brought his significant other to church with him. It was if he had committed a crime. I felt so bad for him because he got constant looks throughout the service but he always said that he was confident in himself and the thoughts of others never bothered him.
After watching the movie in class last week, I took it upon myself to go read some of the bible verses that were mentioned in the film along with others that touched on the topic. I have never felt that homosexuality condemned you to hell; I have never really understood what makes people say that statement. Reading the different verses and reflecting back on what some of the people said in the film really got me to thinking. Everyone interrupts the bible different based on culture and other factors such as upbringing, previous teachings and etc. Knowing that many of my church members and religious community are against homosexuality has not altered my views on it at all. I accept all people as they are, I was taught not to judge. I also feel that how can we judge homosexual people on their life decisions when we make decisions that go against the bible daily. As the John 8:7 says “Let he who without sin cast the first stone…” 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Am I Really in Existence... .

As a black young adult woman in today's society there are days I wonder if I am really in existence. Black women in society today have so many societal statistics. These issues make me oppressed. I am oppressed simply because I am first a educated black person and secondly because I am a woman. I am oppressed from not only the outside would but my very on black community. There are always stereotypical, idealistic views of how the life of a black woman should be lived. There are some days I hear that I am in the privileged group of the black community because I have not had children yet. There is the rumor that black women bare children before finishing their education. That very thing can sometimes make me feel oppressed because I am in the privileged group. Another oppressed feeling is attending a predominantly white institution. In some situations I feel that I have to work harder to prove my position is just as important as then next student. 
As educated people in society I think that, yes, we do have a duty to mitigate many of the privileged and oppressed situations happening around us. Most educated people are admired or idolized in their communities, if we are the people taking the stand changing society one small step at a time then who? I try to find myself not thinking negatively of others to help mitigate some of the oppressed feelings I have on a daily basis. In my everyday life I could talk to people, find myself encouraging others that some of the preposterous ideas we think are just may not be right. Life should not always be about how privileged we are according to the next person but try to focus on helping each other become better. The first step to becoming better always starts within you first!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Gender Bending at its Best..

Lately we have been talking about the roles gender play in society. Patriarchy is the blindly written rules of in essence male dominance. Reading through all the different articles and seeing how Patriarchy is viewed by different people I see that it is very clear that I was a prime example of a home where these rules were set into play. I myself was taught that femininity was very important aspects of a girl, at the same time don’t be ashamed to show your independence. As a young girl I was bought dolls, an easy bake oven, kitchen sets and other domestic toys to help show me the roles I should play when I became a woman. As I stated I was taught the importance of femininity but also how to stand on my own. There are very few times where I challenged the roles of gender. For a short period of time, I was brought up in a single parent home. I was used to seeing my mom take on the role of a father and mother. It made me realize that a woman is just as powerful and knowledge to make it without a man. When my stepdad started coming around there were things he felt that I should not do. One small incident that I can recall in particular is when he found I was a part of a softball team. He felt as if it was a sport where I would become hurt or injury could be caused. Not long after he found out, I tried out for the cheerleading squad, he found no threat to that. I found that oddly ironic because I can get hurt doing either. The idea of running around and acting masculine while playing softball was his only issue. He felt as if cheerleading was meant for girls. This situation is more sexist than anything but it just one of the few times I can remember gender roles playing apart in my life. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Feminism.. .

Since I have started this class I have been asking my boyfriend his views on Feminism. Once the class got to talking I noticed there are not only very different views among women but there are absolutely differences of opinion when it comes to men and women. When I asked my boyfriend did he know what feminism was, he gave me a puzzling look. He had no clue where I was going with that question. I explained to him I was taking a Women’s Studies class and our past class meetings have focused on our take on feminism. After he had an understanding of the question I began asking him some of the questions we had to answer one Wednesday. I quickly learned that he was an example of what I may refer to as a “somewhat of a feminist”. During the conversation I realized that some of the views we had were very different. I was not at all disturbed by the disagreement. I found it interesting to find out that he never really understood the term feminism. I, myself am not totally certain on what the term truly means. Everyone seems to have their own standpoint of the word.  I think with any type of “ism” there will always be controversy simply because no two people think alike or perceive information the same. Take into account the famous “telephone game”. Where you sit in a circle, one person says a statement, it is then passed from person to person and finally the last person states what they heard. Most times when this game is played the initial statement does not make it to the end. Therefore I feel that information is always altered. Feminism to me is the movement of bringing people together and joining forces that there is not a sense of superiority.  

Saturday, August 25, 2012

"A Mother's Love Never Ages.."

        What is a mother? Any woman can have a child, not every woman can be a mother. A mother is a care giver, supporter, fighter, leader, lover, and so much more. There is no one word to describe all the characteristics of a great mother. I myself love and cherish my own mother with all my heart. My mother's name is Lizzie. My mother spent most of her life in Columbus, MS where she was raised most of her life by her own mother. She lost her father at a very young age due to a heart attack. She graduated from high school in 1981 where she continued her education at Mississippi University for Women. There she received a Bachelor's in Home Economics. My mother then moved away from home. She pursued a career in teaching. She has been in the school system now for over 20 years. As of now, my mother is a Counselor in the Columbus Municipal School District.
       What makes my mother stand out? Out of the twenty-two years I have been on this earth I have never once doubted the love and support that she shows me each and every day. She is a woman of dignity, honor, prestige, achievement and spiritual well-being. My mother is a strong believer in Christ. Every day I thank God for having a prayerful mother. She is the woman I aspire to become. There has been multiple times where she has told me "I want you to be better than me." In my eyes that is just not possible. I see her as a woman of power. She is a woman who makes things happen. Whenever something needs to be done, my mother is the one for the job. She has taught me so much even though still today she thinks that I did not listen to the advice or many lectures she gave to me. She is my inspiration. I look at her and hope that one day I can show my daughter the same love.